

Now, you all know I want to blog about Sex and the City but I just can't right now because I don't want my hand to fall off...but I will say that it was deliciously delicious and if you haven't seen it yet, get with the program!

The Cutest Thing Ever...(for right now until she does something else cute...)

So my niece is seriously the perfect slice of pie...that's why we call her Pie...

She always comes up with the most clever little questions and observations. So you know how people spell things around little kids so that they don't know what is going on? Well, my Pie is picking up on it...

The other day she goes up to my sister and says,"Mama, if I wear a D-R-U-S-S will I be a princess?"

Seriously, kill yourself that's so cute!


My Biggest Pet Peeve

I've made a list...I know it says my biggest as in I only have 1 but please, this is me...yall know I have like 20 biggest pet peeves...

  • People talking in the movie theater like they're sitting in their living room...I was watching Sex and the City for the second time on Friday night. I was soaking it all in. I mean, I was trying to soak it all in but these girls next to us were answering questions that Carrie was asking in the movie; one of the girls was stomping her feet at another point...I mean, really? Are you for real? For real for real?
  • When I'm at Starbucks and they read my drink back but they shorten it...Example: "Hi, I'll have a grande caramel frappaccino ?" "Ok so that's a grande caramel frappaccino with a shot? Anything else?" "Uh, yeah that's just half a shot." "Yeah, a grande caramel frappaccino with a shot..." Like I'm the jerk or something!!! It's like, don't read it back to me wrong and then act like I'm the jerk for correcting you. Like what if I go to Houston's and I'm like,"I'll have the ribs..." and the waiter is like,"Ok, so you'll have the hamburger...anything else?" DUMB! I'm aware that there are other things to be angry about...ok? Thanks
  • People tailgating when they could just go around me...
