
My Biggest Pet Peeve

I've made a list...I know it says my biggest as in I only have 1 but please, this is me...yall know I have like 20 biggest pet peeves...

  • People talking in the movie theater like they're sitting in their living room...I was watching Sex and the City for the second time on Friday night. I was soaking it all in. I mean, I was trying to soak it all in but these girls next to us were answering questions that Carrie was asking in the movie; one of the girls was stomping her feet at another point...I mean, really? Are you for real? For real for real?
  • When I'm at Starbucks and they read my drink back but they shorten it...Example: "Hi, I'll have a grande caramel frappaccino ?" "Ok so that's a grande caramel frappaccino with a shot? Anything else?" "Uh, yeah that's just half a shot." "Yeah, a grande caramel frappaccino with a shot..." Like I'm the jerk or something!!! It's like, don't read it back to me wrong and then act like I'm the jerk for correcting you. Like what if I go to Houston's and I'm like,"I'll have the ribs..." and the waiter is like,"Ok, so you'll have the hamburger...anything else?" DUMB! I'm aware that there are other things to be angry about...ok? Thanks
  • People tailgating when they could just go around me...



Capone: said...

all valid peeves!

all love

Heather said...

My biggest pet peeve is when your trying to get to work and the folks who feel the need to back in to a parking space (most of the time they are the worse at backing in)and hold you up for like 10 minutes, while they go forward and backward like A ZILLION TIMES! Did I mention in a narrow parking garage! URGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Anonymous said...

You need to update! Don't you know I check daily? ok, maybe hourly?