
Why Am I Awake?

Lately I've been hit with a spell of insomnia. I'm not really feelin it. I, personally, would like to go to sleep when I lay my head down on my pillows...The decision to actually get up and get on the computer is always a difficult one because that means I'm giving in to my sleeplessness... I know some of you are thinking that maybe this has to do with my gorgeously long naps that I take daily after work, WRONG! I have been taking those for years and I can always fall asleep. What to do? What to do? Let's see what we can find on Myspace shall we?

Ohhhhh Aubrey O'Day from Danity Kane...I love her. I want to hate her all day long but then I see her Weave-O-Plenty and my heart smiles. Literally, she has more hair on her head than homegirl/homeboy at Starbucks. Why am I ALWAYS waiting for Diddy to kick her out of the group? Dude, did you see the Making the Band season finale when Sway asked if Diddy had ever exhibited "bitchassness"? OMG! Of course Aubrey opens up her heavily glossed lips and talks about Diddy having a case of bitchassness when he wouldn't let them do their album the way they wanted...Now, I know I'm not one to hold my tongue but I think Diddy would be the ONE person who could make me...He's like,"HAHAH! (whispers) We'll address that later..." Did anyone see Aubrey's face?! I guess she thought MTV was gonna save her. Not this time sister!

Remember in the first season when she was like,"Yo Yo Yo! Where my money making brothas at?!! Are yall here?!" Oh God!!!! I was so scared! I felt like I was about to get clowned! So I sat back with my Starbucks and magazines (for comfort) and watched in horror as Diddy told her not to talk like a black guy. AWKWARD! But she just keeps on keepin so I have to watch and pray that she says something else totally inappropriate so I can text everyone: "OMG! Are you watching this?!" Then I rewind it 6 times and cringe more and more...


Janeen Hicks Pierre said...

Wow...that is really awkward...LOL! "don't talk like a black guy..."
Please...for the people..
Thank you..8)

Anonymous said...

To be honest I can't stand her. She looks orange and tries to hard to get people to like her.

Nadia S. said...

ag- i feel you. i dont like her much either. shes kinda obnoxious.

Summer said...

OMG!!!!! This is the girl I love to hate! Seriously. I totally feel you ag and Nadia but look at that weave! Doesn't that make you love her?!

Anonymous said...

I think her hair looks too complicated and very Mariah Carey cira 1997.

Samira said...

I agree with Summer. Aubrella (or whatever the hell she calls herself) is the girl you love to hate. I want to slap her for wearing too much rouge and having the thickest weave on earth, but then I love her because she is a complete and total idiot. Thank you summer for adding "Making the Band" to my list of mindless TV watching. I hope you have been watching "Rock of Love" because that's a blog post waiting to happen for me.

Summer said...

Rouge!!! HAHAHAHA!!! Sorry, no Rock of Love for me BUT I do have it on demand so maybe I'll dabble...