
Let Your Haters Be Your Motivators

I don't know why but sometimes I bring out the hater in some people...I don't mean to. It just happens.

I worked with this girl years ago who literally drank Haterade every single morning before she came to work. If I took extra time and actually brushed my hair and ironed my clothes, I knew I was gonna get it. Aint no way I wasn't gonna get it (all you non-believers...)!

The thing that sucked so much was that she was kinda above me and she had to check my work. I would sit there and look over everything like a million times before I gave it to her to check because I totally thought she was lying about the work I gave her. Guess what??!! She was!!! OMG! I started making copies of everything I gave her so that I would have proof that she lied.

So this one day I was over it. I was going into combat! I wasn't gonna take it anymore! I brought her a bagel...I KNOW! I KNOW! That was all talk but dude, this girl was seriously scary. She was soooo nice when we were in a crowd but when it was just she and I, she was gonna kill me...I walk over and hand her the bagel with extra cream cheese:
"What Summer?...I mean, what's this?" She had to flip it real quick. Probably because she was hungry and broke and didn't want me to take the bagel back. I knew I was in there for the day. I went back to my desk after handing her my work. I was feeling good. I knew I wasn't gonna have to deal with her for at least a day. She even sent me an email with a black angel and purple background that said, "Thank God for friends like you!" she walks by and I think she's gonna stop at my desk. Why did she throw my work at me and keep walking?! WHAT??!!!! She literally THREW my work at me and didn't even look my way!!!! All the papers flew all over my desk, some on the floor, some knocking over a picture. I was trippin!! As I'm picking up the papers from the floor, she walks into my cube and whispers IN MY EAR, "You're not gonna win this one Summerrrrr..." in a sing-songy voice! SCARY!!! I was so scared! I was SOOOO scared!!!! Someone started telling a joke and she turned around and laughed all hard at it and then turned right back to me and was like, "Do it right next time." WHAT??!! OMG!
This girl wanted me dead. I'm not kidding. NOT kidding! She even lied about having cancer. One day she was like,"I'm going to chemo." Then if you were like,"How are you feeling today?" she'd be like,"WHY??!!! What do you mean how am I feeling?" and when you would remind her that she had cancer, she would be like,"Who has cancer?! I don't have cancer! What are you talking about?!" This girl was nuts and of course she was out for me. She ended up getting fired for doing the same thing to some other girl. I can't make this stuff up.


keli said...
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keli said...

Why is that lady in every work place? That's why I don't have an office job. That lady scared me away forever. I used to sometimes daydream that I was beating her up (literally). And then I would feel better.

Summer said...

I'm telling you!!! Everywhere!

Summer said...

I'm telling you!!! Everywhere!

hodamardon said...

LOL...I worked with someone like this, but not SO bad. She literally made me cry every day when I was pregnant. I think that's why Bayan has some aggression issues sometimes:)

Janeen Hicks Pierre said...


Anonymous said...

She finally got fired? Halleluja!

Samira said...

At some point, it becomes very acceptable to open a can of whoop ass on a person like that and not feel the least bit sorry. I'm just sayin...

Yo! Annyong!: Taking a Rest from America said...

a coworker tried me once. i ate her liver with some kidney beans and a niiiiice chianti...

Niloufar said...

Wow this one was a crazy one, WOW…I love your blogs, like I am reading a really really good novel!!!