
Is it Bad?...

...To feel like one day I'm going to run into David Banner and marry him? No really. I wish I was kidding. I'm like so serious.

If you can forgive him in "Black Snake Moan" then you'll understand (maybe) where I'm coming from. I mean, he has Mississippi tattooed across his back....haters


Nadia S. said...

I really cant forgive Black snake moan.... that movie was disturbing on SO many levels.

Summer said...

But can you forgive Dave?

Anonymous said...

I give 100% consent to marry Dave. I talked to my local spiritual assembly and they are cool with it too. Just kidding. Area code 30318, what community is that?

Summer said...

LOL! I have no idea...listen, if you ever happen to run into him late at night at Waffle House or something, I need you to slip him my blog...I wanna be subtle and when he sees that I wrote a whole blog about how I'm gonna marry him...wait, nevermind.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and then I'll follow him home and text you his address so you can drive by his house everyday hoping to run into him as he backs out of his driveway. He will instantly know you are the one!